Welcome to the
Redmond police foundation!
A Message from the foundation

Dear community members interested in supporting the Redmond Police Department:
We believe in our Redmond Police officers! We are also thankful to live in a community that cares about responsible public safety. Your Police Department works hard for you every day to serve and protect our entire community, regardless of color, creed, national origin or other factors. At times, they risk their own lives or health to do so.
Many of you have seen Redmond police officers respond in emergencies, both natural and man-made. They work tirelessly, with patience to do what is right. Recently our officers helped ensure peaceful protests for racial justice, while maintaining public safety, in Redmond and other nearby communities. They work daily to deal with those intent on causing disruption in and around Redmond. If asked why they became police officers, most will answer “to help victims” or “to help make the Redmond community a safe place to live and work.”
We are grateful to have a well-trained police department with an outstanding professional reputation and community appreciation for what they do. With the energy Chief Darrell Lowe and his staff bring to our community, and with Redmond’s thoughtful public and private leaders, we expect your police department will continue to shine in these difficult times. Chief Lowe recently stated, “It is our culture to be a safe, open, welcoming, and inclusive community for all.”
The Redmond Police Foundation, with its all-volunteer Board of Directors, seeks to be a champion for the law enforcement professionals who help make Redmond a great place to live, work and raise a family. Working beside you, we have the opportunity to make a difference during this unprecedented time of health-related, social and economic challenges. Anticipated City budget cuts, forced by lowered revenues and uncommon expenses, will surely impact funds dedicated to public safety. It’s our city, it’s our safety, and we are all stakeholders.
This is why we are reaching out to you now.
The Redmond Police Foundation is working to raise money to help offset some of those impacts, and to prepare for the growth and challenges ahead. We are committed to raising funds so our officers have the equipment, training and resources they need to do their work effectively. When light rail reaches Redmond, the department will need a bomb-sniffing K-9 unit, and additional bike patrols. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder treatments for our officers need to be completely covered in times of personal crisis. Additional up-to-date policing technology will be needed so that our officers can do their job with their well-being protected.
Our mission is to provide funding for essential, but non-budgeted items, that will ensure a margin of excellence in effective community policing. We work closely with the Redmond Police command staff to identify areas where community-based help will make a difference in providing that margin of excellence. Close attention is given to budget items that affect training, equipment, technology, officer well-being and community relations. These critical areas will receive special emphasis in our fund-raising activities.
Many individuals and organizations in Redmond have stepped up for our first responders with gifts such as food, gift cards, financial support, personal protective equipment and words of encouragement. We hope to provide more opportunities for citizens to help. The community’s bolstering of the Redmond Police Department is greatly appreciated by the officers, who tell us that doing their job is made easier by the support of Redmond citizens, local businesses and employees. Your donations, your personal encouragement and your voice raised to advocate for public safety are especially important now.
With all the upheaval in our region and country, we recognize that Redmond is probably better prepared than most communities. But unexpected circumstances threaten our police department’s ability to keep evolving its high standards. With your help, the Redmond Police Foundation can fund some of those important but non-budgeted needs of the Department. Your donations will make a difference and help provide that much-needed margin of excellence.
Please consider making a donation to the Redmond Police Foundation by visiting our website clicking on the Donate Now button which can be found at the top of each page.
Thank you for your continued support!
It's our city. It's our safety.

redmond community policing
support, Recognize,
and fund
We all desire a safe city in which to live, play and work. As residents of Redmond, we are proud to have one of the finest law enforcement organizations in the nation – the Redmond Police Department.
We understand that public safety and modern policing has become complex and does not rest solely upon the efforts of law enforcement agencies. To meet today's multifaceted policing, we recognize that the Redmond Police Department faces increasing needs in technology, equipment and training which may, at times, exceeded the current city budget. We have all become stakeholders.
The Redmond Police Foundation was created by local citizens to support the law enforcement professionals of the Redmond Police Department in order to recognize their service and dedication to the community, and to grant funds to the Redmond Police Department to pay for essential, non-budgeted expenditures that aid, facilitate, and provide for effective policing of the community.
Please welcome K-9 Griff to RPD!
Please join us in congratulating the Redmond Police Department on their latest addition! K-9 Griff has reported for duty and is ready to help keep us safe.
You can be part of the next K-9 addition! Our primary fund raising campaign is all about the K-9 program. Light rail will bring great new transportation options to our residents, but you may not be aware that it also brings unique neighborhood safety challenges. Specifically, if there was ever a bomb threat on light rail the safest and most efficient way to clear an incident is with a specially trained Explosive Detection K-9 officer. You may know them as "bomb sniffing dogs". There are very few of these specialized dogs on the Eastside and they are handled by the King County Sheriff and State Patrol as a shared resource. With the advent of light rail into our Eastside communities, we will need to be in a position to respond to transportation shutdowns due to potential bomb threats. These bomb sniffing dogs can clear threats in 1/4 the time that it takes a human.
If you would like to participate in this very important initiative, please click on the Contribute button below and make whatever contribution you can.

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